ABC: Angry? Be a Fly on the Wall
I am not so sure that would fly over well, because it is really hard to detach, step back, and look at yourself through the eyes of someone else, when the rage is in full swing. I honestly suspect it would only prod you to fly off the handle even more, to a point where you see red in front of your eyes.
It is always much easier said then done and I would love to see those researchers set the example by being that fly on the wall, after they flew into a rage. Telling them to practice what they preach would really be flying in the face of danger and I can see all that good and well-meant advice happen as soon as pigs will fly.
The best thing to do is to just walk out and go fishing. This is supposed to have a soothing effect and once the emotions are calmed down, everyone has come to their senses, and the sparks are no longer flying, maybe a solution to whatever caused the problem can be found. Yup, you must loose a fly to catch a trout.
Unfortunately, there is a fly in the ointment when it comes to fishing: Yahoo!: Flying fish tormenting South Dakota. Well, there goes the calming, soothing and relaxing effect of this hobby and we are back to square one: be the fly on the wall. When you manage to do that you stand a chance.
If the others who are present wouldn't harm a fly, that is!
It is always much easier said then done and I would love to see those researchers set the example by being that fly on the wall, after they flew into a rage. Telling them to practice what they preach would really be flying in the face of danger and I can see all that good and well-meant advice happen as soon as pigs will fly.
The best thing to do is to just walk out and go fishing. This is supposed to have a soothing effect and once the emotions are calmed down, everyone has come to their senses, and the sparks are no longer flying, maybe a solution to whatever caused the problem can be found. Yup, you must loose a fly to catch a trout.
Unfortunately, there is a fly in the ointment when it comes to fishing: Yahoo!: Flying fish tormenting South Dakota. Well, there goes the calming, soothing and relaxing effect of this hobby and we are back to square one: be the fly on the wall. When you manage to do that you stand a chance.
If the others who are present wouldn't harm a fly, that is!
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