ABC: Lohan Calls Upcoming Rehab Stint a 'Blessing'
The poor little critter just can't seem to get it into her hard head that drinking and driving are just not the best of friends. They actually are each others greatest enemies and can not only inflict serious harm upon Lindsey, but are also a high risk to any other user who happens to be on the road when she decides to manage her car after having a couple of drinks.
She is not the only one who loses track of her driving skills when alcohol is in play. There are unfortunately many more people who can't hold their drink and still manage to get behind the wheel. They are not aware that their poor self-judgment can result in either a lethal accident, or cause many to suffer. The least it will do is create a lot of chaos.
It therefore does not come as a surprise that drunk driving is not tolerated. I am not sure whether Miss Lohan has been arrested for a california felony dui or for a misdemeanor. There is a huge difference between those two when it comes to dealing with the consequences and it takes a good lawyer to spring to the defense of the arrested person.
It is not an easy task to present before the judge and it would be best when those occurrences would not be an issue at all. I suspect however that as long as there are people who drink and drive, a misdemeanor vs felony dui will be the order of the day. Maybe they ought to invent a car that won't start as soon as it gets a whiff of alcohol.
If you would like to know the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony dui; there is plenty of information available. Check it out here. In the meantime I hope Lindsey Lohan will benefit from her rehab, because if she does, than so will her fellow drivers. If they are smart enough not to drink and drive that is!
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